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Couperin Dynasty: Harpsichord Music [19CDs] (2024)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Couperin Dynasty: Harpsichord Music [19CDs] (2024)

Couperin Dynasty: Harpsichord Music [19CDs] (2024)
XLD | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 7,35 Gb | Total time: 20:21:02 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Brilliant Classics | # 97051 | Recorded: 2004-2023

An original and prestigious concept: the harpsichord music by the 4 prominent members of the Couperin Dynasty!
The Couperin Dynasty, a renowned family of French composers, spanned several generations and played a pivotal role in the development of Baroque music during the 17th and 18th centuries. This musical lineage, centered around the Parisian court, produced a remarkable array of composers, the most prominent of whom were François Couperin, his nephew Armand-Louis Couperin, Louis Couperin and Gervais-François Couperin.
The Couperin Dynasty represent French Baroque music at its best, their keyboard works the very epitome of French refinement, delicacy, elegance and expression.

Michael Borgstede, harpsichord (cd 1-11)
Yago Mahúgo, harpsichord (cd 12-13)
Massimo Berghella, harpsichord (cd 14-18)
Simone Pierini, fortepiano (cd 19)

François Couperin (1668-1733)
01. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 3. Mesuré
Premier Livre de pièces de clavecin, 1ére Ordre
02. I. Allemande l'Auguste
03. II. Première Courante
04. III. Seconde Courante
05. IV. Sarabande la Majestueuse
06. V. Gavotte
07. VI. La Milordine, Gigue. Gracieusement, et légérement
08. VII. Menuet / Double du Menuet précédent
09. VIII. Les Silvains. Majestueüsement, sans lenteur / Seconde Partie
10. IX. Les Abeilles. Tendrement
11. X. La Nanète. Gaÿement
12. XI. Les Sentimens, Sarabande
13. XII. La Pastorelle. Naïvement
14. XIII. Les Nonètes: Les Blondes. Tendrement / Les Brunes
15. XIV. La Bourbonnoise, Gavotte. Gaÿement
16. XV. La Manon. Vivement
17. XVI. L'Enchanteresse
18. XVII. La Fleurie ou la tendre Nanette. Gracieusement
19. XVIII. Les Plaisirs de Saint Germain en Laÿe
20. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 2
Premier Livre de pièces de clavecin, 2e Ordre
21. I. Allemande La Laborieuse. Sans lenteur, et las doubles croches un tain-soit-peu pointées
22. II. Première Courante
23. III. Seconde Courante
24. IV. Sarabande la Prude
25. V. L'Antonine. Majestueüsement, sans lenteur
26. VI. Gavotte
27. VII. Menuet
28. VIII. Canaries / Double des Canaries
29. IX. Passe-pied / Seconde Partie
30. X. Rigaudon / Seconde Partie
31. XI. La Charoloise
32. XII. La Diane. Gaÿement / Fanfare pour la Suitte de La Diane
33. XIII. La Terpsicore. Modérément, et marqué
34. XIV. La Florentine. D'une légéreté tendre
35. XV. La Garnier. Modérément
36. XVI. La Babet. Nonchalamment / Seconde Partie. Un peu vivement

Premier Livre de pièces de clavecin, 2e Ordre
01. XVII. Les Idées Heureuses. Tendrement, sans lenteur
02. XVIII. La Mimi. Affectüesement
03. XIX. La Diligente. Légérement
04. XX. La Flateuse. Affectüesement
05. XXI. La Voluptueüse. Tendrement, &c.
06. XXII. Les Papillons. Tres légérement
07. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 1
Premier Livre de pièces de clavecin, 3éme Ordre
08. I. La Ténébreuse, Allemande
09. II. Première Courante
10. III. Seconde Courante
11. IV. La Lugubre, Sarabande
12. V. Gavotte
13. VI. Menuet
14. VII. Les Pélerines: La Marche. Gaÿement / La Caristade. Légérement / Le Remerciement. Légérement
15. VIII. Les Laurentines. Gracieusement / Seconde Partie
16. IX. L'Espagnolète. D'une légéreté modérée
17. X. Les Regrets. Languissamment
18. XI. Les Matelotes Provençales. Gaÿement / Seconde Partie
19. XII. La Favorite, Chaconne à deux tems. Gravement sans lenteur
20. XIII. La Lutine. Tres vivement, et marqué

01. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 4
Premier Livre de pièces de clavecin, 4éme Ordre
02. I. La Marche des Gris-vêtus. Pesamment, sans lenteur
03. II. Les Baccanales: Enjoüemens Bachiques / Tendresses Bachiques / Fureurs Bachiques
04. III. La Pateline. Gracieusement
05. IV. Le Réveil-matin. Légérement
06. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 5
Premier Livre de pièces de clavecin, 5éme Ordre
07. I. La Logiviére, Allemande. Majestueüsement, sans lenteur
08. II. Première Courante
09. III. Seconde Courante
10. IV. Sarabande la Dangereuse. Gravement
11. V. Gigue
12. VI. La Tendre Fanchon. Gracieusement
13. VII. La Badine. Légérement et flaté
14. VIII. La Bandoline. Légérement, sans vitesse
15. IX. La Flore. Gracieusement
16. X. L'Angelique. D'une légéreté modérée / Seconde Partie
17. XI. La Villers. Gracieusement / Seconde Partie. Un peu plus vivement
18. XII. Les Vendangeuses
19. XIII. Les Agrémens. Gracieusement, sans lenteur / Seconde Partie
20. XIV. Les Ondes. Gracieusement, sans lenteur

L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 7. Mesuré, lent
01. Mesuré, moins lent
Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 6éme Ordre
02. I. Les Moissonneurs. Gaÿement
03. II. Les Langueurs-Tendres
04. III. Le Gazoüillement. Gracieusement et coulé
05. IV. La Bersan. Légérement
06. V. Les Baricades Mistérieuses. Vivement
07. VI. Les Bergeries. Naïvement
08. VII. La Commére. Vivement
09. VIII. Le Moucheron. Légérement
10. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 8. Mesuré, léger
Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 7éme Ordre
11. I. La Ménetou. Gracieusement, sans lenteur
12. II. Les Petits Ages: La Muse Naissante / L'Enfantine / L'Adolescente / Les Délices
13. III. La Basque / Seconde Partie
14. IV. La Chazé. Tres liées, sans lenteur / Seconde Partie
15. V. Les Amusemens. Sans lenteur / Second Rondeau

01. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Prélude no. 6. Mesuré
Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 8éme Ordre
02. I. La Raphaéle
03. II. Allemande L'Ausoniéne. Légérement, et marqué
04. III. Première Courante
05. IV. Seconde Courante
06. V. Sarabande L'Unique. Gravement, Vivement
07. VI. Gavotte. Tendrement
08. VII. Rondeau. Gayement
09. VIII. Gigue
10. IX. Passacaille
11. X. La Morinéte. Légérement, et trés lié
Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 9éme Ordre
12. I. Allemande à deux Clavecins
13. II. La Rafraîchissante. Nonchalamment / Seconde Partie
14. III. Les Charmes. Luthé, et lié. Mesuré, sans lenteur / Seconde Partie
15. IV. La Princesse de Sens. Tendrement
16. V. L'Olimpique. Impérieusement, et animé
17. VI. L'Insinüante. Tendrement
18. VII. La Séduisante. Tendrement, sans lenteur
19. VIII. Le Bavolet-flotant. Tendrement, légérement et lié
20. IX. La Petit-deüil, ou les Trois Veuves. Gracieusement
21. X. Menuet

Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 10éme Ordre
01. I. La Triomphante: Bruit de guerre. Vivement, et les croches égales / Alégrésse des Vainqueurs / Fanfare. Fort gäyement
02. II. La Mézangére. Luthé-mesuré
03. III. La Gabriéle. Légérement, et coulé
04. IV. La Nointéle. Gaÿement / Seconde Partie
05. V. La Fringante. Vif, et relevé / Seconde Partie
06. VI. L'Amazône. Vivement, et fierement
07. VII. Les Bagatelles
08. L'Art de toucher le clavecin: Allemande. Légérement
Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 11éme Ordre
09. I. La Castelane. Coulamment
10. II. L'Etincelante ou La Bontems. Tres vivement
11. III. Les Graces-Naturéles, Suite de la Bontems. Affectueusement, sans lenteur
12. IV. La Zénobie. D'une légéreté gracieuse, et liée
13. V. Les Fastes de la grande et ancienne Mxnxstrxndxsx
Second Livre de pièces de clavecin, 12éme Ordre
14. I. Les Juméles. Affectüesement / Seconde Partie
15. II. L'Intîme. Mouvement de courante
16. III. La Galante. Gaÿement
17. IV. La Coribante. Vivement
18. V. La Vauvré. Coulamment
19. VI. La Fileuse. Naïvement, sans lenteur
20. VII. La Boulonoise. Tendrement, sans lenteur
21. VIII. L'Atalante. Tres légérement

Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 13éme Ordre
01. I. Les Lis naissans. Modérément et uniment
02. II. Les Rozeaux. Tendrement, sans lenteur
03. III. L'engageante. Agréablement, sans lenteur
04. IV. Les Folies françoise ou les Dominos
05. V. L'âme-en peine. Languissament
Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 14éme Ordre
06. I. Le Rossignol-en-amour. Lentement, et tres tendrement, quoy que mesuré
07. II. La Linote-éfarouchée. Légérement
08. III. Les Fauvétes Plaintives. Tres tendrement
09. IV. Le Rossignol-Vainqueur. Tres légérement
10. V. La Julliet. Gaiëment
11. VI. Le Carillon de Cithére. Agéablement, sans lenteur
12. VII. Le Petit-Rien. Légérement
Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 15éme Ordre
13. I. La Règente ou La Minerve. Noblement, sans lenteur
14. II. Le Dodo ou L'Amour au Berçeau. Sur le mourvement des berceuses / Seconde Partie
15. III. L'évaporée. Tres légérement
16. IV. Muséte de Choisi. Tendrement / Seconde partie
17. V. Muséte de Taverni. Légérement / Seconde partie
18. VI. La Douce et Piquante. D'une légéreté tendre / Seconde Partie
19. VII. Les Vergers fleüris. Galament, et loûré / Seconde Partie. Dans le goût de cornemuse
20. VIII. La Princesse de Chabeüil ou La Muse de Monaco. D'une légéreté modérée

Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 16éme Ordre
01. I. Les Graces incomparables ou La Conti. Majesteusement
02. II. L'Himen-Amour. Majesteusement / Seconde Partie. Galament
03. III. Les Vestales. Tendrement, sans lenteur / Seconde Partie
04. IV. L'aimable Thérése. Gracieusement
05. V. Le Drôle de Corps. Gaillardement
06. VI. La Distraite. Tendrement, et tres lié
07. VII. La Létiville
Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 18éme Ordre
08. I. Allemande La Verneüil
09. II. La Verneüilléte. Légérement, et agréablement
10. III. Sœur Monique. Tendrement, sans lenteur
11. IV. Le Turbulent. Tres viste
12. V. L'atendrissante. Douloureusement
13. VI. Le Tic-Toc-Choc ou les Maillotins. Légérement et marqué
14. VII. Le Gaillard-Boiteux. Dans le goût burlesque
Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 19éme Ordre
15. I. Les Calotins et les Calotines ou la Pièce à tretous. Gaiëment
16. II. Les Calotines. Tres légérement / Seconde Partie
17. III. L'ingénuë. Naïvement / Seconde Partie. Tendrement
18. IV. L'Artiste. Modérément
19. V. Les Culbutes Ixcbxnxs. Légérement, et marqué
20. VI. La Muse-Plantine
21. VII. L'enjouée. Tres gaiëment / Seconde Partie. Un peu plus tendrement

Troisième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 17éme Ordre
01. I. La Superbe ou la Forqueray. Fierement, sans lenteur
02. II. Les Petits Moulins à Vent. Tres légérement
03. III. Les Timbres
04. IV. Courante
05. V. Les Petits Chrémiéres de Bagnolet. Légérement, et coulé
Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 20éme Ordre
06. I. La Princesse Marie. Gracieusement, sans lenteur / Seconde Partie / Air dans le Goût Polonais. Vivement, les notes égales, et marquées
07. II. La Boufonne. Gaillardement
08. III. Les Chérubins ou L'Aimable Lazure. Légérement / Seconde Partie
09. IV. La Croûilli ou la Couperinéte. Délicatement, sans vitesse / Seconde Partie dans le Goût de la Musète. Naïvement
10. V. La Fine Madelon. Affectueusement
11. VI. La Douce Jeanneton. Plus voluptuesement
12. VII. La Sézile. Gracieusement
13. VIII. Les Tambourins. Notes ègales, tres légérement
Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 22éme Ordre
14. I. Le Trophée: Premier Air pour la Suite du Trophée / Second Air
15. II. Le point du jour, Allemande. D'une légéreté moderée
16. III. L'Anguille. Légérement
17. IV. Le Croc-en-jambe. Gaiëment
18. V. Menuets croisés
19. VI. Les Tours de Passe-passe

Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 21éme Ordre
01. I. La Reine des coeurs. Lentement, et tres tendrement
02. II. La Bondissant. Gaiëment
03. III. La Couperin. D'une vivacité modérée
04. IV. La Harpée. Pièce dans le goût de la harpe
05. V. La Petite Pince-sans-rire. Affectueusement, sans lenteur
Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 23éme Ordre
06. I. L'Audacieuse
07. II. Les Tricoteuses. Tres légérement
08. III. L'Arlequine. Grotesquement
09. IV. Les Gondoles de Délos. Badinage-tendre / Seconde Partie / Troisième Partie en Rondeau séparé
10. V. Les Satires, Chèvre-pieds. Gravement, ferme, et pointé / Seconde Partie. Vivement, et dans le goût burlesque
Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 24éme Ordre
11. I. Les Vieux Seigneurs, Sarabande grave. Noblement
12. II. Les Jeunes Seigneurs, Cy-devant les petits Maitres. Légérement
13. III. Les Dars-homicides. Gaiëment et coulé
14. IV. Les Guirlandes. Amoureusement: sans langeur / Seconde Partie. Coulement
15. V. Les Brimborions. Gaiëment / Seconde Partie / Trosième Partie / Quatrième Partie
16. VI. La Divine-Babiche ou les Amours badins. Voluptueusement, sans langeur
17. VII. La Belle Javotte autre fois L'Infante. Tendrement
18. VIII. L'Amphibie, Mouvement de Passacaille. Noblement

Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 25éme Ordre
01. I. La Visionaire. Gravement, et marqué, Viste
02. II. La Misterieuse. Modérément
03. III. La Monflambert. Tendrement, sans lenteur
04. IV. La Muse Victorieuse. Audacieusement
05. V. Les Ombres Errantes. Languissamment
Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 26éme Ordre
06. I. La Convalescente
07. II. Gavotte
08. III. La Sophie
09. IV. L'Epineuse
10. V. La Pantomine. Gaiëment et marqué, et d'une grande précision
Quatrième Livre de pièces de clavecin, 27éme Ordre
11. I. L'Exquise, Allemande
12. II. Les Pavots. Nonchallament
13. III. Les Chinois. Lentement, Viste
14. IV. Saillie. Vivement

Armand-Louis Couperin (1727-1789)
Pieces in G
01. La Victoire
02. Allemande
03. Courante. La de Croissy
04. Les Cacqueteuses
05. La Grégoire
06. L'Intrépide
07. Menuets in G 1 & 2
08. L'Arlequine ou La Adam
09. La Blanchet
10. La de Boisgelou
11. La Foucquet
12. La Semillante ou La Joly

Pieces in B flat
01. La Turpin
02. Gavottes 1 & 2
03. Menuets in B 1 & 2
04. La du Breüil
05. La Chéron
06. L'Affligée
07. L'Enjouée
08. Les Tendres Sentiments
09. Rondeau Gracieux
Les Quatre Nations
10. L'Italienne
11. L'Angloise
12. L'Allemande
13. La Françoise
14. La Chasse

Louis Couperin (1626-1661)
Suite No.1 in G minor
01. 3. Prelude
02. 93. Allemande
03. 94. Courante
04. 95. Sarabande
05. 96. Chaconne ou Passacaille
06. 97. Sarabande
07. 98. Passacaille
Suite No.2 in D minor
08. 1. Prelude
09. 36. Allemande
10. 37. Pieces de trois sorts de Mouvements
11. 38. Courante
12. 39. Courante
13. 40. Courante
14. 41. Courante
15. 44. Sarabande
16. 47. Sarabande
17. 45. Sarabande
18. 46. Sarabande
19. 49. Sarabande (I)
20. 48. Sarabande (II)
21. 52. Canaries
22. 53. Volte
23. 55. Chaconne

Suite No.3 in D
01. 2. Prelude
02. 58. Allemande
03. 59. Courante
04. 60. Sarabande
05. 61. Gaillarde
06. 62. Chaconne
Suite No.4 in G minor
07. 4. Prelude
08. 118. Allemande (in B flat major)
09. 119. Courante (in B flat major)
10. 121. Chaconne
11. 5. Prelude in G Minor
Suite No.5 in A minor
12. 6. Prelude a l' imitation de Mr. Froberger
13. 102. La Piemontoise
14. 101. Allemande l' Amiable
15. 106. Courante
16. 105. Courante La Mignone
17. 109. Sarabande (I)
18. 110. Sarabande (II)
19. 125. Gavotte de Mr. Hardel. Double par Mr. Couperin
Suite No.6 in A minor
20. 7. Prelude
21. 99. Allemande
22. 103. Courante
23. 104. Courante
24. 107. Sarabande
25. 108. Sarabande
26. 111. Menuet de Poitou et son Double

Suite No.7 in A
01. 8. Prelude
02. 100. Allemande (in A Minor)
03. 112. Courante
04. 113. Sarabande
05. 114. Gigue
Suite No.8 in C
06. 9. Prelude
07. 15. Allemande
08. 17. Courante
09. 16. Courante
10. 20. Sarabande
11. 21. Sarabande
12. 22. Sarabande
13. 23. Sarabande
14. 131. Gavotte de Mr. Le Be'gue. Double par Mr. Couperin
15. 26. Chaconne
16. 28. Sarabande
17. 29. Menuet
18. 10. Prelude in C Major
Suite No.9 in C
19. 11. Prelude
20. 126. Le Moutier, Allemande de Mr. de Chambonnieres. Double du Moutier par Mr. Couperin
21. 18. Courante
22. 19. Courante
23. 24. Sarabande
24. 25. Sarabande
25. 127. Rigaudon. Double par Mr. Couperin
26. 27. Passacaille

Suite No.10 in F
01. 12. Prelude
02. 66. Allemande
03. 68. Courante
04. 69. Courante
05. 72. Sarabande
06. 73. Branle de Basque
07. 76. Gigue
08. 77. Gaillarde
09. 78. Chaconne
Suite No.11 in F
10. 13. Prelude
11. 67. Allemande grave
12. 70. Courante
13. 71. Courante
14. 74. Sarabande
15. 75. Sarabande
16. 79. Gigue
17. 80. Chaconne
18. 81. Tombeau de Mr. De Blancrocher
Suite No.12 in E minor
19. 14. Prelude
20. 63. Allemande de la Paix
21. 64. Courante
22. 65. Sarabande
Suite No.13 in C minor
23. 128. Prelude
24. 30. Allemande la Precieuse
25. 31. Courante
26. 32. Sarabande
27. 33. Gigue
28. 34. Chaconne la Bergeronnette

Suite No. 14 in G Major
01. CXXIX. Prelude
02. LXXXIII. Allemande
03. LXXXIV. Courante
04. LXXXV. Courante
05. LXXXVI. Courante
06. LXXXVII. Sarabande
07. LXXXIX. Chaconne
Suite No. 15 in G Major
08. LXXXII. Allemande
09. XC. Courante
10. XCI. Courante
11. XCII. Courante
12. LXXXVIII. Gaillarde
Suite No. 16 in D Minor
13. XXXV. Allemande
14. XLII. Courante
15. XLIII. Courante
16. LI. Sarabande I
17. L. Sarabande II
18. LIV. La pastourelle
19. CXXIV. Gavotte
20. CXXII. Gigue
21. LVI. Sarabande
22. LVII. Chaconne la complaignante
Suite No. 17 in B Minor
23. CXV. Allemande
24. CXVI. Courante
25. CXVII. Sarabande
26. CXX. Pavane in F-Sharp Minor

Gercais-François Couperin (1759-1826)
01. Les incroyables in G Major, Op. 6
02. Variations sur l’air “ah! Ça ira”
03. Les merveilleuses in D Major, Op. 7
04. Rondo in D Major
Sonata No. 1 in C Major, Op. 1
05. I. Allegro assai
06. II. Andante
07. III. Rondo. Presto
Sonata No. 2 in D Major, Op. 1
08. I. Allegro
09. II. Amoroso. Aria con [7] variazione
10. 1: III. Presto
11. Variations on the “Complainte Béarnoise” in G Major

X Lossless Decoder version 20240310 (157.0)

XLD extraction logfile from 2024-05-04 20:30:22 +0200

François Couperin; Michael Borgstede / Couperin Dynasty - CD1

Used drive : MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ242AS (revision 1.50)
Media type : Pressed CD

Ripper mode : XLD Secure Ripper
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 1375KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 103
Max retry count : 20
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended

TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 01:19:74 | 0 | 5998
2 | 01:19:74 | 02:49:21 | 5999 | 18694
3 | 04:09:20 | 01:28:24 | 18695 | 25318
4 | 05:37:44 | 02:03:00 | 25319 | 34543
5 | 07:40:44 | 02:17:31 | 34544 | 44849
6 | 09:58:00 | 01:31:18 | 44850 | 51692
7 | 11:29:18 | 01:50:34 | 51693 | 59976
8 | 13:19:52 | 00:58:17 | 59977 | 64343
9 | 14:17:69 | 03:55:35 | 64344 | 82003
10 | 18:13:29 | 01:13:29 | 82004 | 87507
11 | 19:26:58 | 00:46:18 | 87508 | 90975
12 | 20:13:01 | 02:40:54 | 90976 | 103029
13 | 22:53:55 | 01:08:57 | 103030 | 108186
14 | 24:02:37 | 01:41:42 | 108187 | 115803
15 | 25:44:04 | 00:58:55 | 115804 | 120208
16 | 26:42:59 | 01:09:29 | 120209 | 125412
17 | 27:52:13 | 02:26:04 | 125413 | 136366
18 | 30:18:17 | 02:19:21 | 136367 | 146812
19 | 32:37:38 | 03:33:33 | 146813 | 162820
20 | 36:10:71 | 01:33:72 | 162821 | 169867
21 | 37:44:68 | 04:19:72 | 169868 | 189364
22 | 42:04:65 | 01:46:31 | 189365 | 197345
23 | 43:51:21 | 02:09:59 | 197346 | 207079
24 | 46:01:05 | 02:09:55 | 207080 | 216809
25 | 48:10:60 | 01:01:62 | 216810 | 221446
26 | 49:12:47 | 01:00:59 | 221447 | 226005
27 | 50:13:31 | 01:05:27 | 226006 | 230907
28 | 51:18:58 | 02:29:74 | 230908 | 242156
29 | 53:48:57 | 02:02:73 | 242157 | 251379
30 | 55:51:55 | 01:59:58 | 251380 | 260362
31 | 57:51:38 | 00:45:52 | 260363 | 263789
32 | 58:37:15 | 01:58:63 | 263790 | 272702
33 | 60:36:03 | 03:53:09 | 272703 | 290186
34 | 64:29:12 | 01:29:74 | 290187 | 296935
35 | 65:59:11 | 03:31:51 | 296936 | 312811
36 | 69:30:62 | 01:59:28 | 312812 | 321764

List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | 115 | 12 | 26
2 | 109 | 6 | 13
3 | -549 | -652 | 7

AccurateRip Summary (DiscID: 0057d254-08bc0e2b-0310c224)
Track 01 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 02 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 03 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 04 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 05 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 06 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 07 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 08 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 09 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/46, with different offset)
Track 10 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 11 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 12 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 13 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 14 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 15 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 16 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 17 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 18 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 19 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 20 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 21 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 22 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 23 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 24 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 25 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 26 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 27 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 28 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 29 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 30 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 31 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 32 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 33 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 34 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 35 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 36 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
->All tracks accurately ripped.

All Tracks
Filename : /Users/shmuma/Pictures/Couperin Dynasty - 2024/CD01 - Francois Couperin/Couperin Dynasty - CD1.flac
Album gain : 0.91 dB
Peak : 0.775299
CRC32 hash : 7512015F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8E20C5B4
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 01
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00

Track gain : 0.36 dB
Peak : 0.608154
CRC32 hash : F70DBF15
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 18E4D499
AccurateRip v1 signature : A42FE887 (1B8E5B1A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 18BB77F1 (90BCDDEB w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 10+15/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 02

Track gain : 0.34 dB
Peak : 0.651306
CRC32 hash : A72AD1DA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 093A2C28
AccurateRip v1 signature : E0BAEE40 (9120EF61 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 2ABFD38C (DDD17C98 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 03

Track gain : 1.26 dB
Peak : 0.514862
CRC32 hash : FD02F483
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : AE604E11
AccurateRip v1 signature : 6E2CC1C0 (9174218C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 98841B05 (BD310E4B w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 04

Track gain : 1.34 dB
Peak : 0.515289
CRC32 hash : 04690649
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : FE10ACE7
AccurateRip v1 signature : 7601461C (7F98BB1D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 10F77C45 (19446EA8 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 05

Track gain : 0.13 dB
Peak : 0.675934
CRC32 hash : F5B5BE58
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A7F84739
AccurateRip v1 signature : C44B2D84 (331F0095 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 5C4D3D09 (C9B087FB w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 06

Track gain : 1.38 dB
Peak : 0.483856
CRC32 hash : 9F82B2B2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 4295C111
AccurateRip v1 signature : 4410E125 (4F925276 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 5226BE30 (5F19301E w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 07

Track gain : 0.24 dB
Peak : 0.590698
CRC32 hash : 31483319
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 4CC6E1F2
AccurateRip v1 signature : 6EAF3DAA (BE871333 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : C48A1718 (12A4D0B9 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 08

Track gain : -0.08 dB
Peak : 0.537415
CRC32 hash : 7FD40827
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 56909524
AccurateRip v1 signature : 060AF404 (8CA08FBD w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 05FC0D12 (8D7CD8C0 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 09

Track gain : 0.52 dB
Peak : 0.581879
CRC32 hash : 1C846399
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E6B12B20
AccurateRip v1 signature : FE397E1C (306EDFCA w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 60DDC305 (8F5AA956 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/46, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 10

Track gain : 2.57 dB
Peak : 0.433014
CRC32 hash : FB649BF3
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C2EFDF8F
AccurateRip v1 signature : 2A0A6DE5 (A1281B86 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 5EDDECE1 (D4D41D09 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 11

Track gain : -0.68 dB
Peak : 0.588440
CRC32 hash : 11181997
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3C21393D
AccurateRip v1 signature : 7EC95D2F (83A0769A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : FF3BCA3B (0358B094 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 12

Track gain : 2.06 dB
Peak : 0.609863
CRC32 hash : 95AC3429
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A7544065
AccurateRip v1 signature : C149CD9E (C193A491 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 71FA364B (6FBBEB48 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 13

Track gain : 1.50 dB
Peak : 0.494293
CRC32 hash : 6A7A36C0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 725F2CA5
AccurateRip v1 signature : F8E6EDAD (FEF6260D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : B305ED4D (BA298702 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 14

Track gain : 3.08 dB
Peak : 0.535187
CRC32 hash : C0B887FA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E98CFEC9
AccurateRip v1 signature : FE2BA5E3 (2F4668C5 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 1286FB6E (420A6167 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 15

Track gain : 0.32 dB
Peak : 0.522217
CRC32 hash : 673C78A9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 454BF99D
AccurateRip v1 signature : 461A874F (894E8B6F w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : A2EFF886 (E536C8B2 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 10+15/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 16

Track gain : -1.02 dB
Peak : 0.676056
CRC32 hash : F47657AD
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7F1B5FCF
AccurateRip v1 signature : 56937C6E (C934AD28 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : E429E138 (55B3C7FB w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 17

Track gain : 2.22 dB
Peak : 0.487457
CRC32 hash : AEDBF243
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 48B80E9C
AccurateRip v1 signature : 900461BC (C5418FA7 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6A2E9390 (A1B56128 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 18

Track gain : 3.24 dB
Peak : 0.397583
CRC32 hash : B6AC00D5
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7BC8827D
AccurateRip v1 signature : FF177E30 (F73814A2 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : EFD7F926 (EA2C894B w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 19

Track gain : 1.22 dB
Peak : 0.514252
CRC32 hash : B81BB52E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1FB14498
AccurateRip v1 signature : A5DECE53 (671F2F55 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 3B9949FC (0035938F w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 20
Pre-gap length : 00:04:74

Track gain : 1.85 dB
Peak : 0.775299
CRC32 hash : 3BE3E96E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 5AC017C3
AccurateRip v1 signature : CCCCAF59 (D4293E59 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : EA2EEE61 (F2C81EB3 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 21

Track gain : 0.35 dB
Peak : 0.696045
CRC32 hash : 9073ED2D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7B5F2D8B
AccurateRip v1 signature : 5ACCC78F (D21C4616 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 1FBF487A (92F65EE1 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 10+15/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 22

Track gain : 0.79 dB
Peak : 0.560455
CRC32 hash : 3B2C4B8C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 09C39D24
AccurateRip v1 signature : 4B0A8C25 (998D837A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 26676929 (769915E3 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 23

Track gain : 1.76 dB
Peak : 0.464813
CRC32 hash : B9061651
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 10409AC7
AccurateRip v1 signature : FEA017AB (86C68060 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 8295E810 (08B2DD5B w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 24

Track gain : 2.16 dB
Peak : 0.525940
CRC32 hash : 94BC9CE8
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 6CA1DEE5
AccurateRip v1 signature : CEBB760A (A9387F02 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 1D774DA1 (F5E8C105 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 25

Track gain : -0.79 dB
Peak : 0.702026
CRC32 hash : 1AE58D95
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : B9AEDB25
AccurateRip v1 signature : 721FF08E (D215381C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : C8034AE3 (270036F3 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 26

Track gain : 1.06 dB
Peak : 0.507172
CRC32 hash : 14FDE29E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 0C4ABE4D
AccurateRip v1 signature : 36317F5F (82868793 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6C6EF759 (B9B93043 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 27

Track gain : -0.54 dB
Peak : 0.657471
CRC32 hash : DE42515F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F25F06AA
AccurateRip v1 signature : 5D9D15DA (EFAAC4AD w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : AD75A745 (3E7ACDF5 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 28

Track gain : 1.53 dB
Peak : 0.488953
CRC32 hash : 4DC1A63C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : AF942175
AccurateRip v1 signature : 41789E72 (8F1D3604 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : EB8FA617 (36D70CD6 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 29

Track gain : -0.46 dB
Peak : 0.643555
CRC32 hash : BD3F21ED
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F417D364
AccurateRip v1 signature : 4998F6B3 (343BDC9A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : D3D01081 (BC841E69 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 30

Track gain : 1.16 dB
Peak : 0.524628
CRC32 hash : 54DE3C55
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E680239C
AccurateRip v1 signature : EA62A04C (7DA2740E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : FF157FAB (943731A0 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 31

Track gain : 1.37 dB
Peak : 0.458893
CRC32 hash : 70FB65B2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 423DE244
AccurateRip v1 signature : AE4BA107 (7C09E27F w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : B01916CA (7D1E6B7F w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 32

Track gain : 0.06 dB
Peak : 0.558411
CRC32 hash : CEAE1F97
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 686444AF
AccurateRip v1 signature : 07802B14 (040492FE w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 30970A10 (2B3C909A w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 33

Track gain : 0.63 dB
Peak : 0.646790
CRC32 hash : FBE17E11
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F07D4811
AccurateRip v1 signature : 040BD026 (1AA4B55B w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : DAABF871 (ED973B85 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 34

Track gain : 0.02 dB
Peak : 0.597626
CRC32 hash : 3E2195FA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3AA15F16
AccurateRip v1 signature : 1FE2E52C (305DE669 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 39FED6DB (49C71001 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 35

Track gain : 1.15 dB
Peak : 0.621246
CRC32 hash : 3C7053D8
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CEA6F907
AccurateRip v1 signature : 81BC4E7A (0B0E8B7E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 12F3AC87 (98F98528 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+15/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 36

Track gain : 1.42 dB
Peak : 0.571106
CRC32 hash : F5ADDC5A
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 0558A6E7
AccurateRip v1 signature : BA1ABE79 (714EFBA3 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 2AEA491B (E3FFDFC7 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

No errors occurred

End of status report


X Lossless Decoder version 20240310 (157.0)

XLD extraction logfile from 2024-05-06 08:22:30 +0200

François Couperin; Michael Borgstede / Couperin Dynasty - CD2

Used drive : MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ242AS (revision 1.50)
Media type : Pressed CD

Ripper mode : XLD Secure Ripper
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 1375KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 103
Max retry count : 20
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended

TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 05:27:56 | 0 | 24580
2 | 05:27:56 | 01:11:51 | 24581 | 29956
3 | 06:39:32 | 02:53:20 | 29957 | 42951
4 | 09:32:52 | 02:24:11 | 42952 | 53762
5 | 11:56:63 | 03:43:24 | 53763 | 70511
6 | 15:40:12 | 01:45:41 | 70512 | 78427
7 | 17:25:53 | 01:13:33 | 78428 | 83935
8 | 18:39:11 | 03:50:28 | 83936 | 101213
9 | 22:29:39 | 01:31:28 | 101214 | 108066
10 | 24:00:67 | 01:52:21 | 108067 | 116487
11 | 25:53:13 | 02:45:11 | 116488 | 128873
12 | 28:38:24 | 00:54:53 | 128874 | 132976
13 | 29:33:02 | 00:53:27 | 132977 | 136978
14 | 30:26:29 | 03:20:08 | 136979 | 151986
15 | 33:46:37 | 04:01:14 | 151987 | 170075
16 | 37:47:51 | 01:31:16 | 170076 | 176916
17 | 39:18:67 | 03:52:34 | 176917 | 194350
18 | 43:11:26 | 02:55:55 | 194351 | 207530
19 | 46:07:06 | 03:55:05 | 207531 | 225160
20 | 50:02:11 | 01:52:28 | 225161 | 233588

List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | 115 | 12 | 26
2 | 109 | 6 | 11
3 | 79 | -24 | 7

AccurateRip Summary (DiscID: 0025a9f4-021e6a1e-080c2a14)
Track 01 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 02 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 03 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 04 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 05 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 06 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 07 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 08 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 09 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 10 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 11 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 12 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 13 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 14 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 15 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 16 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 17 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 18 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/44, with different offset)
Track 19 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 20 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
->All tracks accurately ripped.

All Tracks
Filename : /Users/shmuma/Pictures/Couperin Dynasty - 2024/CD02 - Francois Couperin/Couperin Dynasty - CD2.flac
Album gain : 1.71 dB
Peak : 0.710388
CRC32 hash : B409F910
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 9994BAF6
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 01
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00

Track gain : 2.13 dB
Peak : 0.508392
CRC32 hash : 7AFAF8C2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 4415D1C2
AccurateRip v1 signature : F70C0F68 (C9C2406B w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 142B20B8 (EC0D56EB w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 02

Track gain : 4.50 dB
Peak : 0.359039
CRC32 hash : 634CDD0D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7F60B31F
AccurateRip v1 signature : 6E9690CD (9C83550F w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : CE2CE1B1 (FD3CB736 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 03

Track gain : -0.80 dB
Peak : 0.641693
CRC32 hash : E52CE500
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 6BDB7E56
AccurateRip v1 signature : C869A2C2 (72A690F7 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 19FC9455 (C1813EB5 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 04

Track gain : 2.41 dB
Peak : 0.437469
CRC32 hash : 3B74568D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 358DDAD9
AccurateRip v1 signature : 340F77F2 (D00F5FFC w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 9B811C9A (39C85A07 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 05

Track gain : 1.32 dB
Peak : 0.529633
CRC32 hash : B9DF994B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C9A5A118
AccurateRip v1 signature : 636CB902 (A0A45D30 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 53821E81 (8D3A05E0 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 06

Track gain : -0.61 dB
Peak : 0.575378
CRC32 hash : 664AD1DA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : DD8275A5
AccurateRip v1 signature : 765526BF (52B5F757 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 4B00C327 (27A8C4D2 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 07
Pre-gap length : 00:03:66

Track gain : 3.90 dB
Peak : 0.376251
CRC32 hash : EF97DF0F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E7A4A79C
AccurateRip v1 signature : 6B7039ED (895C1D48 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : C774CCCC (E5C1FAB5 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 08

Track gain : 0.57 dB
Peak : 0.702423
CRC32 hash : 34EEF875
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E0E75FE8
AccurateRip v1 signature : C8110548 (E5849B4D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 400B920E (59DED212 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 09

Track gain : 2.27 dB
Peak : 0.470886
CRC32 hash : 46290BFF
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 6F6C664B
AccurateRip v1 signature : 2AAFDC4A (C8C2886C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 14B83473 (B43F3787 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 10

Track gain : 1.41 dB
Peak : 0.603333
CRC32 hash : F4AA39FF
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : DBF31B92
AccurateRip v1 signature : E33BBBF3 (C9B92E1D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : E58BC2CA (CDD03697 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 11

Track gain : 1.41 dB
Peak : 0.669037
CRC32 hash : C821481B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C3CC0FD8
AccurateRip v1 signature : 43A5880F (CBADEF3E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6F3BB610 (F4AD05B7 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 12

Track gain : 1.41 dB
Peak : 0.559448
CRC32 hash : 5979C47F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 29B66C95
AccurateRip v1 signature : 54BB8145 (D3F46BF1 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 261CF434 (A6349914 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 13

Track gain : 5.85 dB
Peak : 0.296021
CRC32 hash : D7C7B9C1
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 38222FD3
AccurateRip v1 signature : D1D5CCA6 (F04A6A29 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : D1D77AE0 (EFE1F0FF w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 14

Track gain : 2.32 dB
Peak : 0.513000
CRC32 hash : 1DEA5338
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1CE33422
AccurateRip v1 signature : 85FBE292 (D03CD68A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 51170CFF (9CEC423A w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 15

Track gain : 5.63 dB
Peak : 0.359344
CRC32 hash : 7CC25E15
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 60D6AB00
AccurateRip v1 signature : 0D05F648 (FCB4F738 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : EC12AD24 (D805593D w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 16

Track gain : -0.04 dB
Peak : 0.710388
CRC32 hash : AF9FF93F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 952B81C7
AccurateRip v1 signature : 709892FD (0B72D73C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : A2A9F958 (3EF565B1 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 17

Track gain : 5.23 dB
Peak : 0.377319
CRC32 hash : 23BC5A31
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 858E2B97
AccurateRip v1 signature : 12D883B6 (11CDAF51 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 4F48EDF3 (4A9DE9E6 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 18

Track gain : 1.04 dB
Peak : 0.556793
CRC32 hash : A8D807EF
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E0C33A42
AccurateRip v1 signature : 376E4A22 (6032DEF4 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 3FD43FFC (65D712C8 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 19

Track gain : 1.94 dB
Peak : 0.532654
CRC32 hash : 3B9A4A8C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A12CD98B
AccurateRip v1 signature : 79CEB21B (25D4FC6D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : AC13E84B (546CD3C1 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 20

Track gain : -0.37 dB
Peak : 0.611298
CRC32 hash : 45B0531C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 62301F8B
AccurateRip v1 signature : 1B8A3C7C (940EAD64 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6525C832 (DBE61252 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+13/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

No errors occurred

End of status report


X Lossless Decoder version 20240310 (157.0)

XLD extraction logfile from 2024-05-06 09:41:07 +0200

François Couperin; Michael Borgstede / Couperin Dynasty - CD3

Used drive : MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ242AS (revision 1.50)
Media type : Pressed CD

Ripper mode : XLD Secure Ripper
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 1375KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 103
Max retry count : 20
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended

TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 01:28:14 | 0 | 6613
2 | 01:28:14 | 02:09:26 | 6614 | 16314
3 | 03:37:40 | 06:58:04 | 16315 | 47668
4 | 10:35:44 | 03:20:57 | 47669 | 62725
5 | 13:56:26 | 03:51:41 | 62726 | 80091
6 | 17:47:67 | 02:44:59 | 80092 | 92450
7 | 20:32:51 | 04:36:44 | 92451 | 113194
8 | 25:09:20 | 02:14:09 | 113195 | 123253
9 | 27:23:29 | 01:40:44 | 123254 | 130797
10 | 29:03:73 | 02:37:60 | 130798 | 142632
11 | 31:41:58 | 02:03:66 | 142633 | 151923
12 | 33:45:49 | 02:58:06 | 151924 | 165279
13 | 36:43:55 | 01:27:17 | 165280 | 171821
14 | 38:10:72 | 02:01:05 | 171822 | 180901
15 | 40:12:02 | 02:07:47 | 180902 | 190473
16 | 42:19:49 | 02:23:61 | 190474 | 201259
17 | 44:43:35 | 02:42:23 | 201260 | 213432
18 | 47:25:58 | 01:54:74 | 213433 | 222056
19 | 49:20:57 | 05:12:12 | 222057 | 245468
20 | 54:32:69 | 02:41:14 | 245469 | 257557

List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | 115 | 12 | 25
2 | 109 | 6 | 11
3 | 97 | -6 | 8

AccurateRip Summary (DiscID: 002af7b6-026a5bb3-120d6a14)
Track 01 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 02 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 03 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 04 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 05 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 06 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 07 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 08 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 09 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 10 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 11 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 12 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 13 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 14 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 15 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 16 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 17 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 18 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 19 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 20 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 24/43, with different offset)
->All tracks accurately ripped.

All Tracks
Filename : /Users/shmuma/Pictures/Couperin Dynasty - 2024/CD03 - Francois Couperin/Couperin Dynasty - CD3.flac
Album gain : 1.42 dB
Peak : 0.760803
CRC32 hash : 0F4158D2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CE13867B
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 01
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00

Track gain : 1.54 dB
Peak : 0.647064
CRC32 hash : A1733727
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A01EBA5C
AccurateRip v1 signature : FD079951 (4256BD81 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : CB52ED2E (12091356 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 02

Track gain : -0.59 dB
Peak : 0.760803
CRC32 hash : 8E143049
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CA9E5AF8
AccurateRip v1 signature : C43D63C4 (41CEE752 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : BD5F0AFB (399457F5 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 03

Track gain : 1.14 dB
Peak : 0.703583
CRC32 hash : C70C65B0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7C60CD84
AccurateRip v1 signature : 3FDBD25D (7071656D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 7AEE14A2 (B21A2CFC w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 04

Track gain : 0.82 dB
Peak : 0.596619
CRC32 hash : 08461C43
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CCB11A81
AccurateRip v1 signature : 3DAE118F (9A5D127C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : F024378A (49ACB622 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 05

Track gain : 1.62 dB
Peak : 0.598999
CRC32 hash : A46C454D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 345AF75C
AccurateRip v1 signature : 865D533A (E91B109A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : CF6D7334 (2E870A46 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 06
Pre-gap length : 00:04:73

Track gain : 4.84 dB
Peak : 0.417053
CRC32 hash : E87BE4A1
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 9BD2CBDC
AccurateRip v1 signature : 435F2757 (19C06091 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 73F4BC4C (4B369A79 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 07

Track gain : 2.01 dB
Peak : 0.538208
CRC32 hash : 1E2A2222
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D1A0CB40
AccurateRip v1 signature : 4189378E (849FF116 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 7BAFC01D (C326AF98 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 08

Track gain : 1.76 dB
Peak : 0.483551
CRC32 hash : A6E68E0B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 9FBF2FF5
AccurateRip v1 signature : 18E882AA (63A0C58A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : DBB00728 (244E8C04 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 09

Track gain : 1.34 dB
Peak : 0.673889
CRC32 hash : FF0F6C0E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2E7D2A29
AccurateRip v1 signature : 2501F2AE (DB64683E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 1A7C6CBD (D27648DD w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 10

Track gain : 2.76 dB
Peak : 0.511047
CRC32 hash : 943238B5
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1081D610
AccurateRip v1 signature : EF111CBB (FACF6A65 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 2CACE5A0 (3AE928FD w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 11

Track gain : 0.34 dB
Peak : 0.587036
CRC32 hash : D6B65A4E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 276AE963
AccurateRip v1 signature : DF3EC6EC (26A56725 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 11FB042E (590F454C w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 12

Track gain : 4.06 dB
Peak : 0.566101
CRC32 hash : 78C2EF20
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 428144F4
AccurateRip v1 signature : A0E3C8B2 (1942C8D7 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 97967ADF (12518134 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 13

Track gain : 1.38 dB
Peak : 0.513214
CRC32 hash : 44A15379
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : DAF9BCDC
AccurateRip v1 signature : BC7EA7AE (5930FB6A w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 1B2617E5 (B7295E40 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 14

Track gain : -0.70 dB
Peak : 0.692780
CRC32 hash : DAF3C46D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 61A19044
AccurateRip v1 signature : D90AD981 (92019A51 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : D1C8D57D (88D85A9D w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 15

Track gain : 2.35 dB
Peak : 0.481934
CRC32 hash : 0AFD35A2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 90CD7076
AccurateRip v1 signature : E6BAED04 (AD94C809 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 94354681 (5D14C661 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 16

Track gain : 1.05 dB
Peak : 0.561127
CRC32 hash : 337AA516
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7159EEA5
AccurateRip v1 signature : 1B8AC333 (61898DB7 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : CD1109CD (10CAC9A7 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 17

Track gain : 1.15 dB
Peak : 0.495300
CRC32 hash : 9CE80E8F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 87AD2AF1
AccurateRip v1 signature : EE95C978 (3B7D43DD w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : C4509709 (0EA8E2BE w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 18

Track gain : 0.31 dB
Peak : 0.573822
CRC32 hash : F8D3B048
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 71F105CE
AccurateRip v1 signature : A50AF410 (2AFB962C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 3C8AD3F3 (C0F8D482 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 19

Track gain : 3.47 dB
Peak : 0.457306
CRC32 hash : 35CFDD13
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 359DB8F7
AccurateRip v1 signature : ECAED90D (34777B50 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 9C819938 (E871AFFE w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 20

Track gain : -0.80 dB
Peak : 0.664246
CRC32 hash : F78E8059
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 6F050466
AccurateRip v1 signature : AFA8E226 (78D48D1E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 302AEC89 (FBE0CEDB w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+13/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

No errors occurred

End of status report


X Lossless Decoder version 20240310 (157.0)

XLD extraction logfile from 2024-05-06 20:00:58 +0200

François Couperin; Michael Borgstede / Couperin Dynasty - CD4

Used drive : MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ242AS (revision 1.50)
Media type : Pressed CD

Ripper mode : XLD Secure Ripper
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 1375KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 103
Max retry count : 20
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended

TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 02:56:01 | 0 | 13200
2 | 02:56:01 | 02:17:08 | 13201 | 23483
3 | 05:13:09 | 05:01:21 | 23484 | 46079
4 | 10:14:30 | 02:06:27 | 46080 | 55556
5 | 12:20:57 | 03:23:44 | 55557 | 70825
6 | 15:44:26 | 02:59:24 | 70826 | 84274
7 | 18:43:50 | 04:08:32 | 84275 | 102906
8 | 22:52:07 | 02:32:10 | 102907 | 114316
9 | 25:24:17 | 02:24:20 | 114317 | 125136
10 | 27:48:37 | 01:44:69 | 125137 | 133005
11 | 29:33:31 | 03:06:34 | 133006 | 146989
12 | 32:39:65 | 10:07:35 | 146990 | 192549
13 | 42:47:25 | 03:06:64 | 192550 | 206563
14 | 45:54:14 | 04:06:60 | 206564 | 225073
15 | 50:00:74 | 05:45:25 | 225074 | 250973

List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | 115 | 12 | 26
2 | 109 | 6 | 11
3 | -549 | -652 | 8

AccurateRip Summary (DiscID: 001b53de-013bb83e-d00d120f)
Track 01 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 02 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/44, with different offset)
Track 03 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 04 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 05 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 06 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 07 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 08 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 09 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 10 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 11 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 12 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 13 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 14 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
Track 15 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 26/45, with different offset)
->All tracks accurately ripped.

All Tracks
Filename : /Users/shmuma/Pictures/Couperin Dynasty - 2024/CD04 - Francois Couperin/Couperin Dynasty - CD4.flac
Album gain : 1.32 dB
Peak : 0.686279
CRC32 hash : D304A49A
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 4DF9EEF7
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 01
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00

Track gain : 3.96 dB
Peak : 0.429138
CRC32 hash : EB2EA66E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 4E25F4EE
AccurateRip v1 signature : 47B822A3 (D5CCCD5C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 0CD743DB (98244D67 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 02

Track gain : 0.36 dB
Peak : 0.686279
CRC32 hash : E5B0DD94
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A19FFECB
AccurateRip v1 signature : 25FFA26C (53D5A2DE w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : B3D8F13B (DF898BE2 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/44, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 03

Track gain : 3.24 dB
Peak : 0.448334
CRC32 hash : 3E52BEEE
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3D09446F
AccurateRip v1 signature : 0832A454 (B3B12DAD w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : FF9F363F (A66A3DDA w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 04

Track gain : 2.89 dB
Peak : 0.429840
CRC32 hash : F81DA80C
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8624B0D1
AccurateRip v1 signature : 481579DA (3F662715 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 1CC26E93 (12C8E266 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 05

Track gain : -0.40 dB
Peak : 0.657898
CRC32 hash : 75BB8E72
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 046E8BB4
AccurateRip v1 signature : 0D52E1C6 (2A738157 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : EA742F9C (0821C1BA w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 06

Track gain : 1.47 dB
Peak : 0.521545
CRC32 hash : C75D57CC
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : EECAD736
AccurateRip v1 signature : 2BB4A8E1 (87E37FFA w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 68A990AF (C7AD8295 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 07

Track gain : 2.29 dB
Peak : 0.465149
CRC32 hash : 6E3AD363
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 22D957F1
AccurateRip v1 signature : 38837AA2 (7AC0A7DF w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 92B2F9D1 (D8E335AA w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 08

Track gain : -0.43 dB
Peak : 0.609375
CRC32 hash : BC87D9DA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 95617371
AccurateRip v1 signature : 5DD062FD (6A862F54 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 25B39AEF (30061270 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 09

Track gain : 2.08 dB
Peak : 0.538269
CRC32 hash : 04043364
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D9432DC8
AccurateRip v1 signature : 745C4AE7 (997B49F2 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 75410BA1 (9BEB0829 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 10
Pre-gap length : 00:05:33

Track gain : 1.61 dB
Peak : 0.573944
CRC32 hash : B34C7B39
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CBCCE7CD
AccurateRip v1 signature : 881F6E57 (245635DA w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : E6F7C135 (84D86ECF w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 11

Track gain : 1.57 dB
Peak : 0.517639
CRC32 hash : 4AAC2130
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 6D05AD66
AccurateRip v1 signature : F0635A49 (AEE9AF25 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : FC50AFDE (B8DDAC7A w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 12

Track gain : 1.11 dB
Peak : 0.616669
CRC32 hash : 396B698F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8AA99553
AccurateRip v1 signature : 688DB943 (D95DF46C w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 407FCAFA (BAE512B9 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 13

Track gain : -0.49 dB
Peak : 0.662262
CRC32 hash : 2AACD7B3
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3B192AEA
AccurateRip v1 signature : AFC85B0B (EA29D02D w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : F78A2833 (30767697 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 14

Track gain : 0.56 dB
Peak : 0.581604
CRC32 hash : 51C0B590
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F60E0FED
AccurateRip v1 signature : 8961393D (589308E1 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 88505872 (582DC554 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 15

Track gain : 2.27 dB
Peak : 0.517212
CRC32 hash : F4639DE9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 9683E153
AccurateRip v1 signature : 32AE77A3 (52E1D601 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : D14E0A03 (EC1154EA w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 12+14/45, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

No errors occurred

End of status report


X Lossless Decoder version 20240310 (157.0)

XLD extraction logfile from 2024-05-06 20:41:43 +0200

François Couperin; Michael Borgstede / Couperin Dynasty - CD5

Used drive : MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ242AS (revision 1.50)
Media type : Pressed CD

Ripper mode : XLD Secure Ripper
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 1375KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 103
Max retry count : 20
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended

TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 02:07:25 | 0 | 9549
2 | 02:07:25 | 06:28:28 | 9550 | 38677
3 | 08:35:53 | 02:18:33 | 38678 | 49060
4 | 10:54:11 | 02:02:05 | 49061 | 58215
5 | 12:56:16 | 02:54:54 | 58216 | 71319
6 | 15:50:70 | 02:51:13 | 71320 | 84157
7 | 18:42:08 | 01:38:55 | 84158 | 91562
8 | 20:20:63 | 01:51:22 | 91563 | 99909
9 | 22:12:10 | 03:03:26 | 99910 | 113660
10 | 25:15:36 | 06:04:47 | 113661 | 141007
11 | 31:20:08 | 02:20:45 | 141008 | 151552
12 | 33:40:53 | 04:12:52 | 151553 | 170504
13 | 37:53:30 | 05:10:00 | 170505 | 193754
14 | 43:03:30 | 06:34:39 | 193755 | 223343
15 | 49:37:69 | 02:23:52 | 223344 | 234120
16 | 52:01:46 | 03:32:74 | 234121 | 250094
17 | 55:34:45 | 01:36:47 | 250095 | 257341
18 | 57:11:17 | 03:39:49 | 257342 | 273815
19 | 60:50:66 | 02:47:41 | 273816 | 286381
20 | 63:38:32 | 01:44:15 | 286382 | 294196
21 | 65:22:47 | 01:05:45 | 294197 | 299116

List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | 115 | 12 | 25
2 | 109 | 6 | 11
3 | -549 | -652 | 7

AccurateRip Summary (DiscID: 0033bf78-031f2f4a-270f9415)
Track 01 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 02 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 03 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 24/42, with different offset)
Track 04 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 05 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 06 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 07 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 08 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 09 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 10 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 11 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 12 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 13 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/42, with different offset)
Track 14 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 15 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 16 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 17 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 18 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 19 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 20 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 25/43, with different offset)
Track 21 : OK (v1+v2, confidence 24/42, with different offset)
->All tracks accurately ripped.

All Tracks
Filename : /Users/shmuma/Pictures/Couperin Dynasty - 2024/CD05 - Francois Couperin/Couperin Dynasty - CD5.flac
Album gain : 5.96 dB
Peak : 0.496552
CRC32 hash : CC4B0397
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 4D8E349A
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 01
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00

Track gain : 8.25 dB
Peak : 0.248047
CRC32 hash : 079DD2BB
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3B8D56C2
AccurateRip v1 signature : F2F64701 (98C9A9C9 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : B8575CB5 (5C2DC272 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 02

Track gain : 5.98 dB
Peak : 0.435425
CRC32 hash : B3B52442
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 35A3B657
AccurateRip v1 signature : FF634041 (38D81723 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 27412649 (5A9CF019 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 03

Track gain : 4.42 dB
Peak : 0.360321
CRC32 hash : 983B8BB0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 01048DED
AccurateRip v1 signature : F7A1B7BD (BE992DF8 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : A8979110 (71C17296 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 10+14/42, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 04

Track gain : 6.75 dB
Peak : 0.284088
CRC32 hash : 98FFD23B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 9BA9B81A
AccurateRip v1 signature : E8FBBB77 (0D6ABBC8 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : C10E66CA (E393C387 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 05

Track gain : 6.67 dB
Peak : 0.285828
CRC32 hash : 06DD4CB2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D93CB89D
AccurateRip v1 signature : A2F97CE7 (D999FC40 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : AF515939 (E8B3FD10 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 06

Track gain : 5.60 dB
Peak : 0.420807
CRC32 hash : A08D4CD7
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F5F9B192
AccurateRip v1 signature : 07EDB2AB (AD1A2EF1 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : EF568E8A (91D03973 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 07

Track gain : 6.37 dB
Peak : 0.282623
CRC32 hash : 3615B263
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 605714AB
AccurateRip v1 signature : F77798F1 (E6399283 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 61600F8A (51B1B77F w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 08

Track gain : 5.91 dB
Peak : 0.304932
CRC32 hash : E4F10DD1
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3995BE94
AccurateRip v1 signature : 91E485E1 (4F254B94 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 3B221356 (F6A28584 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 09

Track gain : 5.43 dB
Peak : 0.339905
CRC32 hash : 4135DC19
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A95362FC
AccurateRip v1 signature : 6B9B2347 (69E0AFB2 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 006DC524 (FBD37DF7 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 10

Track gain : 4.29 dB
Peak : 0.496552
CRC32 hash : EA1F2DD9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : BAA090B5
AccurateRip v1 signature : B9F094B0 (AEC9026E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 89B4B588 (78D12B3B w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 11

Track gain : 6.08 dB
Peak : 0.325012
CRC32 hash : 3D25D8DB
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CFEB55FE
AccurateRip v1 signature : 0B2FCA0F (16F46868 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 56796EF6 (6007827C w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 12
Pre-gap length : 00:03:42

Track gain : 3.43 dB
Peak : 0.393402
CRC32 hash : 8F6D1504
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 0213B7AD
AccurateRip v1 signature : F996F641 (9C0E197F w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : CF831729 (75F7348D w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 13

Track gain : 6.97 dB
Peak : 0.275543
CRC32 hash : 30BA0CAB
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E4ADE62E
AccurateRip v1 signature : B2A08730 (F7779752 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6A0E5867 (B3C52B82 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/42, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 14

Track gain : 8.40 dB
Peak : 0.278229
CRC32 hash : A2C254F2
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 48594729
AccurateRip v1 signature : F05C952A (E4BF1808 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 95F5E3F6 (90989267 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 15

Track gain : 9.59 dB
Peak : 0.301758
CRC32 hash : 0874A62D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7B40F1F6
AccurateRip v1 signature : 4D0DB90B (75329EC1 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : CDA83B59 (F38C6908 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 16

Track gain : 5.97 dB
Peak : 0.365540
CRC32 hash : F0431236
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2A1DE79C
AccurateRip v1 signature : 2D4A382F (FAC77A8E w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6942A532 (3A18B444 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 17

Track gain : 6.44 dB
Peak : 0.275421
CRC32 hash : A6763C7B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A5F34333
AccurateRip v1 signature : 9C3FE04B (D26F9759 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 916DC458 (C7602F38 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 18

Track gain : 7.85 dB
Peak : 0.317230
CRC32 hash : 91FCB208
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : DA237CB0
AccurateRip v1 signature : 9CDD0797 (DE7B7FF0 w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 6C77BA1C (AA9BABB4 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 19

Track gain : 6.89 dB
Peak : 0.287262
CRC32 hash : C4DBC252
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F1656FB8
AccurateRip v1 signature : FA980E23 (571EB5FE w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : FAFC6822 (54E02501 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 20

Track gain : 4.92 dB
Peak : 0.331329
CRC32 hash : A0015892
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 601D56A7
AccurateRip v1 signature : 86C739B5 (60F673AB w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 5B06DF4B (36DC0CF1 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+14/43, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

Track 21

Track gain : 3.89 dB
Peak : 0.388336
CRC32 hash : 13D20C84
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 32004DFF
AccurateRip v1 signature : 506BA5D3 (CC5750DE w/correction)
AccurateRip v2 signature : 56E60CCC (D3D56F81 w/correction)
->Accurately ripped with different offset (v1+v2, confidence 11+13/42, offset +12)
Read error : 0
Jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Retry sector count : 0
Damaged sector count : 0

No errors occurred

End of status report


Couperin Dynasty: Harpsichord Music [19CDs] (2024)

Thanks to the original releaser