Andreas Scholl, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin - George Frideric Handel: Ombra mai fù (1999)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 363 Mb | Total time: 76:21 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Harmonia Mundi | HMC 901685 | Recorded: 1999
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 363 Mb | Total time: 76:21 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Harmonia Mundi | HMC 901685 | Recorded: 1999
According to Charles Burney Handel's operas represented the most complete concerts during which, in addition to the most perfect singing and the effects of a mighty and well-disciplined orchestra, there were excellent acting and splendid scenes and stage decorations.
Thanks to his numerous contacts with Italy, Handel had the opportunity of calling upon the most extrodinary castrati. On this recording we can hear the most beautiful arias ever written for these castrati who, thanks to countertenors like Andreas Scholl, have come back to life…
Andreas Scholl, countertenor
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Admeto, Rè di Tessaglia (Londres, 1727):
01. Ouverture
02. Ballo di Larve
03. Recitativo accompagnato: Orride larve
04. Aria: Chiudetevi, miei lumi (Atto I, scena 1)
Serse (Londres, 1738):
05. Sinfonia
06. Recitativo: Frondi tenere
07. Aria: Ombra mai fù (Atto I, scena 1)
Giulio Cesare (Londres, 1724):
08. Aria: Se in fiorito ameno prato (Atto II, scena 2)
09. Gigue
10. Aria: Va tacito (Atto I, scena 9)
Radamisto, suite instrumentale (Londres, 1720):
11. I. Passacaille
12. II. Gigue
13. III. Passepied
14. IV. Rigaudon
Rodelinda (Londres, 1725):
15. Sinfonia - Recitativo: Pompe vane di omrte
16. Aria: Dove sei? (Atto I, scena 6)
17. Sinfonia
18. Accompagnato: Sì, l'infida consorte
19. Aria: Confusa si miri (Atto I, scena 11)
Alcina (Londres, 1735):
20. Aria: Verdi prati (Atto II, scena 1)
Alexander's Feast, concerto grosso (Londres, 1736):
21. I. Allegro
22. II. Largo
23. III. Allegro
24. IV. Andante non presto
Exact Audio Copy V1.6 from 23. October 2020
EAC extraction logfile from 17. March 2025, 20:04
Andreas Scholl, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin / Handel: Ombra mai fù
Used drive : ASUS BW-16D1HT Adapter: 1 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
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Read offset correction : 6
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Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
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TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:55.60 | 0 | 26684
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22 | 67:01.70 | 2:26.25 | 301645 | 312619
23 | 69:28.20 | 3:20.67 | 312620 | 327686
24 | 72:49.12 | 3:29.30 | 327687 | 343391
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename D:\ArlegZ\Handel - Ombra mai fù - Andreas Scholl.wav
Peak level 97.9 %
Extraction speed 8.8 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 5D207225
Copy CRC 5D207225
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [61EB06CD] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [4011BADC] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [FE96638F] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [C2746AD7] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [FB52F83E] (AR v2)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [F141DC30] (AR v2)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 23) [3F42C6E4] (AR v2)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [CCD14154] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [62327EF2] (AR v2)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [597320EF] (AR v2)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 23) [84C31675] (AR v2)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 23) [893BE8B5] (AR v2)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 23) [60A18659] (AR v2)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 23) [90B92D76] (AR v2)
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [5A116AEC] (AR v2)
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [E0496FE8] (AR v2)
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [39C1259E] (AR v2)
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [E87D5059] (AR v2)
Track 19 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [DEE5B23A] (AR v2)
Track 20 accurately ripped (confidence 23) [8AAAB34E] (AR v2)
Track 21 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [A8870165] (AR v2)
Track 22 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [A93EABBC] (AR v2)
Track 23 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [99D36763] (AR v2)
Track 24 accurately ripped (confidence 22) [E94F8602] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
–– CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: dx7.GT7_zbk2Yn0tY8gmCKptp1g-] found
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