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Huelgas Ensemble - Max Reger: Melancholy (Vocal Works) (2024)

Posted By: ciklon5
Huelgas Ensemble - Max Reger: Melancholy (Vocal Works) (2024)

Huelgas Ensemble - Max Reger: Melancholy (Vocal Works) (2024)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 50:01 | 195 Mb
Genre: Classical

Seit über einem halben Jahrhundert gilt das von Paul Van Nevel gegründete Huelgas Ensemble als eines der weltbesten Vokalensembles für Alte Musik. Nach zahllosen, preisgekrönten Aufnahmen mit Werken aus dem Mittelalter und der Renaissance widmen sie sich mit Max Reger (1873-1916) erstmals ausschließlich einem Komponisten aus der Spätromantik.Reger ist wahrscheinlich am besten für seine symphonischen und Orgelwerke bekannt, während sein Vokalrepertoire weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraten ist. Zu Unrecht, wie Paul van Nevel meint, denn er ist ein großer Fan der polyphonen Musik Max Regers. Mit dieser Aufnahme demonstriert er eindrücklich, welche Intensität, Tiefe, Vielfalt und Qualität Regers Musik bietet.

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Michael Praetorius: Magnificat; Motets (2015)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Michael Praetorius: Magnificat; Motets (2015)

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Michael Praetorius: Magnificat; Motets (2015)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 278 Mb | Total time: 67:54 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Sony Classical | 88875086622 | Recorded: 1991

German composer Michael Praetorius, whose life bridged the 16th and 17th centuries, was one of his era's most prolific writers, both of musical works and of works about music. His "Syntagma Musicum" remains one of the most important treatises on instruments and performance practice; he composed many volumes of Protestant hymn-based works, motets, psalms, works for multiple choir, and Latin music for the Lutheran service. The "Magnificat" performed on this program is one of 14 that Praetorius included in his Megalynodia Sionia, published in 1611. Its polyphonic style and rich instrumental writing–particularly for brass–is occasionally reminiscent of Gabrieli, whose works Praetorius studied; or Schutz, with whom he traveled throughout Germany.

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of Christopher Columbus (2019)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of Christopher Columbus (2019)

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of Christopher Columbus (2019)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 251 Mb | Total time: 58:24 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 88985411772 | Recorded: 2016

On the 'Deutsche Harmonia Mundi' label - Following the critically acclaim of their previous release The Music Prints of Christopher Plantin, The Huelgas Ensemble, under the direction of Paul Van Nevel, return with their stunning new album The Ear of Christopher Columbus. This remarkable album features music from the late fifteenth century and the early fifteenth century that may have been heard by Christopher Columbus during the course of his lifetime. The Ear of Christopher Columbus takes the listener to a musical journey through the lifetime of the explorer, beginning with his Italian childhood.

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Music Prints of Christophe Plantin (2018)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Music Prints of Christophe Plantin (2018)

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Music Prints of Christophe Plantin (2018)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 356 Mb | Total time: 66:20 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 19075809722 | Recorded: 2017

The Antwerp based French printer Christophe Plantin (1520-1589) achieved international renown through his epic bible editions (e.g. the eight part “Biblia Regia”) and elaborate humanistic works by the likes of Justus Lipsius and the mathematician Simon Stevin. On the other hand, his fame as a publisher of ground-breaking music prints of esteemed sixteenth century composers, often presented as monumental choir books, seems today to have gone relatively unnoticed.

Huelgas Ensemble, Paul van Nevel - Costanzo Festa: La Spagna - 32 Contrapunti (2003)

Posted By: tirexiss
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul van Nevel - Costanzo Festa: La Spagna - 32 Contrapunti (2003)

Huelgas Ensemble, Paul van Nevel - Costanzo Festa: La Spagna - 32 Contrapunti (2003)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 52:08 | 270 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Harmonia Mundi | Catalog: HMC 801799

The cycle of 125 variations that Costanzo Festa composed on the famous melody called La Spagna is conceived on a scale unique during the Renaissance, and may justly be described as a compositional tour-de-force. It has been comparisons to works such as Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations. This budget priced reissue, released for the first time in 2003, features a selection of these variations performed by the Huelgas-Ensemble.

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Firminus Caron: Twilight of the Middle Ages (2016)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Firminus Caron: Twilight of the Middle Ages (2016)

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Firminus Caron: Twilight of the Middle Ages (2016)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 247 Mb | Total time: 54:39 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 88875143472 | Recorded: 2014

"There are two things on which listeners can invariably rely with Paul Van Nevel: whatever he unearths, it is without exception wonderful music; and what he offers with his Huelgas Ensemble is always on the very highest level” (BR Klassik). For more than forty years the Huelgas Ensemble has been one of the world’s finest vocal ensembles.

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Codex Las Huelgas: Music From 13th Century Spain (1993)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Codex Las Huelgas: Music From 13th Century Spain (1993)

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Codex Las Huelgas: Music From 13th Century Spain (1993)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 288 Mb | Total time: 55:59 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Sony Classical | # SK 53 341 | Recorded: 1992

Just how engaging, catchy, lively, and artful can 13th century Spanish music be? Very, as evidenced by this collection of motets, conductus, mass movements, and strophic songs from the legendary manuscript compiled at the 12th-century Cistercian convent at Las Huelgas. This remarkable program, highlighting only a handful of the nearly 200 works contained in the original manuscript, shows not only the beauty and inventiveness of sacred music of this period, but also how colorful and varied it could be.

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Cipriano de Rore: Missa Praeter rerum seriem, Madrigaux & Motets (2002)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Cipriano de Rore: Missa Praeter rerum seriem, Madrigaux & Motets (2002)

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Cipriano de Rore: Missa Praeter rerum seriem, Madrigaux & Motets (2002)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 284 Mb | Total time: 64:39 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Harmonia Mundi | # HMC 901760 | Recorded: 2001

Like Willaert, Cipriano de Rore was one of the great Flemish composers who spent their entire career in Italy.
Although better known for his madrigals, he also wrote this Mass based on the Christmas motet by Josquin Desprez Praeter rerum seriem (Beyond all human understanding, the Virgin Mary conceived the Son of Man).

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of the Huguenots (2017)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of the Huguenots (2017)

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of the Huguenots (2017)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 288 Mb | Total time: 65:09 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 88985411762 | Recorded: 2016

The Huelgas Ensemble under Paul Van Nevel are numbered among the world’s best vocal ensembles for over 40 years. Their recordings of, in many cases, completely unknown works has earned the ensemble the highest international acclaim. The press wrote of their last recording: “The Huelgas Ensemble once again demonstrates its artistic skill and expressive power” (SWR 2). For their new album, Paul Van Nevel has selected outstanding works by Huguenot composers of the 16th century, a period when Protestants were ruthlessly persecuted in pre-revolutionary France. The tragic height of this persecution was the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre on the night of 23–24 August 1572, when the lives of thousands of Huguenots were taken.

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - La Oreja de Zurbarán (2014)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - La Oreja de Zurbarán (2014)

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - La Oreja de Zurbarán (2014)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 282 Mb | Total time: 56:56 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Cypres | # CYP1669 | Recorded: 2013

La Oreja de Zurbarán – Zurbarán. The title chosen by Paul Van Nevel to illustrate the programme of this disc is a clear indication of his intentions – to bring to life the music that the Spanish painter Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664) would have heard in the course of a career that led him from Seville to Madrid. Through an anthology of sacred and secular works, many of them hitherto unpublished, fluctuating from archaism and modernity, Paul Van Nevel and his Huelgas Ensemble seek to show how music and painting stem from one and the same vision of the world. Thus presenting the listener-viewer with the keys for an understanding of a period in which the watchword was ‘mysticism’.

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - L'heritage de Petrus Alamire (2015)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - L'heritage de Petrus Alamire (2015)

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - L'heritage de Petrus Alamire (2015)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 365 Mb | Total time: 75:06 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Cypres | # CYP1673 | Recorded: 2015

A treasure-house of the grand master of sixteenth-century musical calligraphy, the choirbooks of Petrus Alamire contain some stupendous and hitherto unpublished polyphonic works. Through the hand of the dedicated humanist that was Alamire – famous as a “guardian of the books” and as a spy within the most influential courts of the Renaissance, including those of Marguerite of Austria in Malines, Henry VIII of England and Charles V – the Huelgas Ensemble and Paul Van Nevel trace a portrait of this brilliant humanist in a programme that will take you to the very heart of the secrets of Renaissance polyphony.

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of Theodoor van Loon: Il Primo Caravaggisto Fiammingo (2018)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of Theodoor van Loon: Il Primo Caravaggisto Fiammingo (2018)

Paul van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - The Ear of Theodoor van Loon: Il Primo Caravaggisto Fiammingo (2018)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 332 Mb | Total time: 66:39 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Cypres | # CYP1679 | Recorded: 2018

The series ‘L’Oreille de…’ from Cypres and the Huelgas Ensemble, that began with "L’Oreille de Zurbarán" and "L’héritage de Petrus Alamire,” juxtaposes the music of a particular period and the creative world of a contemporaneous painter, scribe or explorer. What might he have listened to if he had had a transistor radio, a hifi system or the possibility of streaming on a computer? In conjunction with the exhibition: "Theodoor van Loon, a caravaggist between Rome and Brussels" in BOZAR Brussel, this album introduces the first Southern Netherlands Caravaggist between Rome and Brussels through the music of the seventeenth century. Paul Van Nevel has selected some emblematic pieces played in Italy, where van Loon used to live between 1602 and 1608, and in the musical chapel of Albert and Isabelle.

Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Michelangelo Rossi: La poesia cromatica (2009)

Posted By: tirexiss
Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Michelangelo Rossi: La poesia cromatica (2009)

Huelgas Ensemble, Paul Van Nevel - Michelangelo Rossi: La poesia cromatica (2009)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 60:50 | 299 MB
Genre: Classical, Vocal | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | Catalog: 88697527092

De Genuaan Michelangelo Rossi (1601-1656) bracht het grootste gedeelte van zijn leven door in Rome. Hij schreef voornamelijk opera's. Maar ook wat instrumentale muziek en twee bundels Italiaanse madrigalen bleven bewaard. Paul van Nevel koos dertien polyfone madrigalen, een genre dat in de eerste helft van de 17de eeuw minder gangbaar werd; in die tijd waren de meeste madrigalen voor één of enkele stemmen geschreven.

Huelgas Ensemble & Paul Van Nevel - Ludwig Daser: Polyphonic Masses (2023)

Posted By: delpotro
Huelgas Ensemble & Paul Van Nevel - Ludwig Daser: Polyphonic Masses (2023)

Huelgas Ensemble & Paul Van Nevel - Ludwig Daser: Polyphonic Masses (2023)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 263 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 133 Mb | Digital booklet | 00:56:11
Classical, Sacred, Choral | Label: deutsche harmonia mundi

This recording is dedicated to German Renaissance composer Ludwig Daser. Paul Van Nevel and the Huelgas Ensemble have recorded two polyphonic masses by the Munich-born composer, who was a contemporary of famous composers such as Orlando di Lasso and Cipriano di Rore. Ludwig Daser came from a wealthy Munich family. His composition teacher was to be the then famous Ludwig Senfl.

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Canções, Vilancicos e Motetes Portugueses, séculos XVI-XVII (1994)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Canções, Vilancicos e Motetes Portugueses, séculos XVI-XVII (1994)

Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas Ensemble - Canções, Vilancicos e Motetes Portugueses, séculos XVI-XVII (1994)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 333 Mb | Total time: 75:35 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Sony Classical | # SK 66288 | Recorded: 1994

Cancoes, vilancicos e motetes portugueses, séculos XVI-XVII, performed by the Huelgas Ensemble under Paul van Nevel, is one of the recordings issued to mark Lisbon's status as European Cultural Capital in 1994. It concentrates on more varied aspects of Portuguese music than does the Ars Nova recording; first, the majority of the works included, whether sacred or secular, have vernacular texts (Spanish and Portuguese); second, the composers mostly represent the diaspora of Portuguese musicians within Spain, other parts of Europe, and the New World.