Yehudi Menuhin, Sir William Walton - Walton: Violin & Viola Concertos, Partita (1994)

Posted By: tirexiss

Yehudi Menuhin, Sir William Walton - Walton: Violin & Viola Concertos, Partita (1994)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 73:38 | 355 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: EMI Classics | Catalog: 5099996894

For a single-package introduction to the music of William Walton, it would be hard to do better than this two-disc set from EMI. Not only is the selection impeccable (including the First Symphony, Belshazzar's Feast, the violin and viola concertos, plus the Partita, for orchestra), but the performances, with the composer conducting, are, for all intents and purposes, definitive. Some of the later conductors to record these pieces were technically more accomplished than Walton, but none, not even the most dedicated, can match the composer's insights and commitment. Here, the First Symphony is endowed with enormous power and energy, Belshazzar's Feast imbued with radiant colors and inexorable drama, the two concertos suffused with marvelous verve and heartbreaking beauty, and the Partita filled with sly wit and deep affection. Yehudi Menuhin is the starry soloist in both concertos, and the Philharmonia Orchestra is the expert ensemble for all the works. Though recorded between 1951 (the symphony) and 1969 (the concertos), the sound here was consistently first-class in its day, and still sounds brilliant in this remastering.

Track List:

Violin Concerto (revised version)
1 I. Andante tranquillo [11.38]
2 II. Presto capriccioso alia napolitana — Trio (Canzonetta) — Tempo I [6.47]
3 III. Vivace [13.15]
Yehudi Menuhin (violin) London Symphony Orchestra

Viola Concerto (revised version)*
4 I. Andante comodo [9.01]
5 II. Vivo, con rnolto preciso [4.37]
6 III. Allegro moderato [12.06]
Yehudi Menuhin (viola) - New Phiiharmonia Orchestra

Partita for Orchestra
7 I. Toccata (Brioso) [4.52]
8 II. Pastorale siciliana (Andante comodo) [5.58]
9 III. Giga burlesca (Allegro giovale) [4.58]
Phiiharmonia Orchestra

Recorded in No.l Studio. Abbey Road. London. 12-15 July 1969 and *9~11 October 1968, and 'Kingsway Hall, London, 6 & 16 February 1959

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

Archivo Log de extracciones desde 30. Diciembre 2008, 22:35

Yehudi Menuhin, violin, viola, Sir William Walton, conducting / Sir William Walton - Violin and Viola Concertos, Partita for Orchestra

Usar unidad : HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8163B Adapter: 0 ID: 1

Modo de Lectura : Seguro
Utilizar Corriente Exacta : Sн
Descartar Audio cachй : Sн
Utilizar los punteros C2 : No

Correcciуn de Desplazamiento de Lectura : 102
Sobreleer tanto en Lead-In como en Lead-Out : No
Rellenar las muestras faltantes con silencios : Sн
Eliminar silencios inicial y final : No
Se han usado muestras nulas en los cбlculos CRC : Sн
Interfaz usada : Interfaz propio de Win32 para Windowns NT y 2000

Formato de Salida utilizado : Compresor definido por el usuario
Bitrate seleccionado : 768 kBit/s
Calidad : Alta
Aсadir Etiqueta ID3 : No
Compresor de linea de comandos : C:\Archivos de programa\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Opciones adicionales en lнnea de comandos : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d

TOC del CD extraido

Pista | Inicio | Duraciуn | Sector inicial | Sector final
1 | 0:00.32 | 11:38.48 | 32 | 52429
2 | 11:39.05 | 6:47.42 | 52430 | 82996
3 | 18:26.47 | 13:27.30 | 82997 | 143551
4 | 31:54.02 | 9:01.63 | 143552 | 184189
5 | 40:55.65 | 4:36.72 | 184190 | 204961
6 | 45:32.62 | 12:16.30 | 204962 | 260191
7 | 57:49.17 | 4:52.00 | 260192 | 282091
8 | 62:41.17 | 5:58.38 | 282092 | 308979
9 | 68:39.55 | 4:58.52 | 308980 | 331381

Gama de estados y errores

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Nombre de Archivo C:\Documents and Settings\J.Losada\Escritorio\Walton - Violin & viola concertos - Partita\Yehudi Menuhin, violin, viola, Sir William Walton, conducting - Sir William Walton - Violin and Viola Concertos, Partita for Orchestra.wav

Nivel Pico 100.0 %
Gama de Calidad 99.9 %
Copiar CRC 44B855D3
Copia OK

Sin Errores

Resumen AccurateRip

Pista 1 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 2 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 3 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 4 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 5 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 6 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 7 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 8 no presente en la base de datos
Pista 9 no presente en la base de datos

Ninguna de las pistas estб presente en la base de datos AccurateRip

Final del Informe

Thanks to the Original ripper (unknown)!
