Siemens NX 2306 Build 8700 (NX 2306 Series) | 15.6 Gb
Languages Supported: English, 中文, Čeština, Español, Français, Deutsch,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский
Languages Supported: English, 中文, Čeština, Español, Français, Deutsch,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский
The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of NX 2306 Build 8700 (NX 2306 Series). With NX 2306, you will encounter new capabilities as well as updated enhancements, enabling you and your company to reach new levels of productivity with NX for Manufacturing.
What's new in NX 2306 Build 8700
Release PR Number Description Application Function Sub_Function
2306,8700 10735085 \Body Type\ in \Modeling Preferences\ is not reflected in \Sew\. DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL SEW
2306,8700 10757524 CatiaV5 creates a CATProduct and multiple CATParts in NX2007. TRANSLATOR CATIAV5 EXPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8700 10760287 Viewing Contact Analysis results in HD3D viewer is looking for Additive license KDA ANALYSIS_CHECKS CONTACT_ANALYSI
2306,8700 10784264 About the license for Contact Analysis. KDA ANALYSIS_CHECKS CONTACT_ANALYSI
2306,8700 10810688 Edit MW Std Part fails with internal error ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_PATTERN
2306,8700 10813733 Need Help with FATAL Error Message 4276 CAE ADV_SIMULATION CAE_GROUPS
2306,8700 10849745 Linked Body causes the error \A deleted or invalid class ID was used\ ARCHITECTURE OM LOAD
2306,8700 10856317 Mesh update after geometry change leads to fix PolygonBody Name and meshing erro CAE BATCH_MESHING SOLID
2306,8700 10867834 NX11femNX2306MAT1 CAE ADV_SIMULATION MATERIALS
2306,8700 10870929 Line Designer - 2D_Shadow_Outline - Datum Plane Layer 271? MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2306,8700 10891753 add properties with Add Type Attributes don't work as expected in German localization MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2306,8700 10901482 When enabling \Highlight Hidden Edges\, then select element(s), internal edges are not highlighted. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2306,8700 10906517 Import condition sequence from bdd file gives incorrect values CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONDITION_SEQ
2306,8700 10906888 Change to Equipment Security Properties leaves a diagram in an inconsistent state KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2306,8700 10909604 Can't set value for attribute with dynamic LOV NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2306,8700 10913413 Simcenter 3D remesh issue with no geometry update CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2306,8700 10913820 When hiding part of mesh, internal mesh are not displayed. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2306,8700 10914347 Midside node placement results in mesh failure CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2306,8700 10914446 internal error when doing a pattern component ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_PATTERN
2306,8700 10915870 Wrong classic Shank Representation in NX 2306 CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2306,8700 10931073 Wrong result when importing Shank from NX2206 CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2306,8700 10948110 Importing Asy with clone file using the switch \include_c=no\, is not working with MFK items. NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8700 10948864 Flat pattern- PMI- Bend Direction Label Display Issue NX_SHEET_METAL FLAT_PATTERN ALL
2306,8700 10953956 NX 2306 Load options - Crash CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2306,8700 10957478 Universal bolt connection crash CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2306,8700 10959232 An error occurs when executing the Measue command and NX 2306 is forced to terminate. DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2306,8700 10960791 Bridge Curve fails to edit in upgrade from NX11 to NX2212 DESIGN CURVE BRIDGE
2306,8700 10966866 Import assembly into teamcenter not working NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES MAPPING
2306,8700 10973483 disabled allow multiple Revisions leads to \a deleted or invalid class id was used\ error NXMANAGER MULTIPLE_REVS ALL
2306,8700 10979060 Unable to Pattern component. Error - Design component cannot be patterned STRUCTURE_DES FRAME ALL
2306,8700 10980915 Pattern Component gives an error in NX2306 ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_PATTERN
2306,8700 10983650 export_ugdwgimages.exe & TC_NX_CGM_create_pattern NXMANAGER PREFERENCES ALL
2306,8700 10991599 Bad performance with Checkmate lauching .NET DLL through nx_ja_session_execute SYSENG NXOPEN LICENSING
2306,8700 10995202 export_ugdwgimages.exe unable to use TC_NX_CGM_create_pattern=${SheetName} NXMANAGER PREFERENCES ALL
2306,8700 10997892 Position of object is changed with 'Flatten Assembly' option while importing iges file TRANSLATOR IGES IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2306,8700 11005353 Selection highlight not disappearing CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2306,8700 11010622 Changing to PCB Exchange application changes Load Option to Fully Load. PCB_EXCHANGE ALL ALL
2306,8700 11019829 Error when creating Universal Connections (bolt) CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2306,8700 11028514 NX2306 - Areas Name not refreshing in PCB Navigator Difference Compared to NX2007 PCB_EXCHANGE AREA_CREATION ALL
2306,8700 11031924 Add Reuse Component dialog extremely slow with certain part families NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN MINIMAL_LOAD_WS
2306,8700 12012602 Renewed electrode blank sketch loses some halved positioning dimensions on reopen part since NX2212 DESIGN SKETCHER RENEW
2306,8700 12013304 Unite feature does not fail even if the target is deleted DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL BOOLEAN
2306,8700 10735085 \Body Type\ in \Modeling Preferences\ is not reflected in \Sew\. DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL SEW
2306,8700 10757524 CatiaV5 creates a CATProduct and multiple CATParts in NX2007. TRANSLATOR CATIAV5 EXPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8700 10760287 Viewing Contact Analysis results in HD3D viewer is looking for Additive license KDA ANALYSIS_CHECKS CONTACT_ANALYSI
2306,8700 10784264 About the license for Contact Analysis. KDA ANALYSIS_CHECKS CONTACT_ANALYSI
2306,8700 10810688 Edit MW Std Part fails with internal error ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_PATTERN
2306,8700 10813733 Need Help with FATAL Error Message 4276 CAE ADV_SIMULATION CAE_GROUPS
2306,8700 10849745 Linked Body causes the error \A deleted or invalid class ID was used\ ARCHITECTURE OM LOAD
2306,8700 10856317 Mesh update after geometry change leads to fix PolygonBody Name and meshing erro CAE BATCH_MESHING SOLID
2306,8700 10867834 NX11femNX2306MAT1 CAE ADV_SIMULATION MATERIALS
2306,8700 10870929 Line Designer - 2D_Shadow_Outline - Datum Plane Layer 271? MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2306,8700 10891753 add properties with Add Type Attributes don't work as expected in German localization MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2306,8700 10901482 When enabling \Highlight Hidden Edges\, then select element(s), internal edges are not highlighted. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2306,8700 10906517 Import condition sequence from bdd file gives incorrect values CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONDITION_SEQ
2306,8700 10906888 Change to Equipment Security Properties leaves a diagram in an inconsistent state KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2306,8700 10909604 Can't set value for attribute with dynamic LOV NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2306,8700 10913413 Simcenter 3D remesh issue with no geometry update CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2306,8700 10913820 When hiding part of mesh, internal mesh are not displayed. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2306,8700 10914347 Midside node placement results in mesh failure CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2306,8700 10914446 internal error when doing a pattern component ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_PATTERN
2306,8700 10915870 Wrong classic Shank Representation in NX 2306 CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2306,8700 10931073 Wrong result when importing Shank from NX2206 CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2306,8700 10948110 Importing Asy with clone file using the switch \include_c=no\, is not working with MFK items. NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8700 10948864 Flat pattern- PMI- Bend Direction Label Display Issue NX_SHEET_METAL FLAT_PATTERN ALL
2306,8700 10953956 NX 2306 Load options - Crash CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2306,8700 10957478 Universal bolt connection crash CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2306,8700 10959232 An error occurs when executing the Measue command and NX 2306 is forced to terminate. DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2306,8700 10960791 Bridge Curve fails to edit in upgrade from NX11 to NX2212 DESIGN CURVE BRIDGE
2306,8700 10966866 Import assembly into teamcenter not working NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES MAPPING
2306,8700 10973483 disabled allow multiple Revisions leads to \a deleted or invalid class id was used\ error NXMANAGER MULTIPLE_REVS ALL
2306,8700 10979060 Unable to Pattern component. Error - Design component cannot be patterned STRUCTURE_DES FRAME ALL
2306,8700 10980915 Pattern Component gives an error in NX2306 ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_PATTERN
2306,8700 10983650 export_ugdwgimages.exe & TC_NX_CGM_create_pattern NXMANAGER PREFERENCES ALL
2306,8700 10991599 Bad performance with Checkmate lauching .NET DLL through nx_ja_session_execute SYSENG NXOPEN LICENSING
2306,8700 10995202 export_ugdwgimages.exe unable to use TC_NX_CGM_create_pattern=${SheetName} NXMANAGER PREFERENCES ALL
2306,8700 10997892 Position of object is changed with 'Flatten Assembly' option while importing iges file TRANSLATOR IGES IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2306,8700 11005353 Selection highlight not disappearing CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2306,8700 11010622 Changing to PCB Exchange application changes Load Option to Fully Load. PCB_EXCHANGE ALL ALL
2306,8700 11019829 Error when creating Universal Connections (bolt) CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2306,8700 11028514 NX2306 - Areas Name not refreshing in PCB Navigator Difference Compared to NX2007 PCB_EXCHANGE AREA_CREATION ALL
2306,8700 11031924 Add Reuse Component dialog extremely slow with certain part families NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN MINIMAL_LOAD_WS
2306,8700 12012602 Renewed electrode blank sketch loses some halved positioning dimensions on reopen part since NX2212 DESIGN SKETCHER RENEW
2306,8700 12013304 Unite feature does not fail even if the target is deleted DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL BOOLEAN
NX is a flexible, powerful software that helps deliver better products faster with next-generation design and manufacturing solutions using the digital twin. Siemens is the first CAD/CAM/CAE software company to offer a continuous release model. With NX Continuous Release, upgrading is fast, automated, and seamless. With each new release of NX, team Siemens Digital Industries Software continuing to innovate, pushing the barriers of what product development systems can do. Being on continuous release gives you access to industry-leading capabilities, helping you to maximize productivity and innovate more quickly than ever before.
What’s new in NX 2306 Design
Siemens Digital Industries Software is a leading global provider of product life cycle management (PLM) software and services with 7 million licensed seats and 71,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens Digital Industries Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products.
Owner: Siemens Digital Industries Software
Product Name: NX Continuous Release
Version: NX 2306 Build 8700 (NX 2306 Series)
Supported Architectures: x64
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Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 15.6 Gb
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